Topsy-Turvy Tomato

Topsy Turvy Tomato

I don’t think that’s how that’s supposed to work.

We got a lot of rain yesterday. Not quite as much as the neighboring counties, where they got four inches in a very short period of time - I think we got an inch overall. But for my slow-draining tomato pots, that was enough to make them pretty heavy, and for the one that’s still on the footed stand, that was enough.

I can’t say it was a surprise - the other one did that early in its career, and landed with all its dirt on top of it. It was a little two-dimensional for awhile but is thriving now, and even still has the three hyacinth beans and handful of leaf lettuces that were just little companion sprouts when it went over. And I had come up with another metal bracket to put under this pot to shore it up, but hadn’t gotten around to fixing it.

It’s back in its pot now (with bracket), and hopefully will recover. It’s had a rough life, and not nearly enough sunlight, so I haven’t even learned whether it’s the slicer or the cherry. I forgot to label them when I separated them from the four-pack, so the two at the house are mystery tomatoes.